- She melts into the music. 她的演奏优美而准确,生动而感人。
- I shall melt into the music of the flute and throb in your heart all day. 我将融合在笛声里,终日荡漾在你心头。
- The sea seemed to melt into the sky at the horizon. 在水平线处,海洋似渐渐没入天际。
- All the emotions are melt into the simple lines. 文章能够把情感的流露完全融于文字之中。
- Hearing the song, she melted into tears. 听了歌声,她激动得流下了眼泪。
- Ben embraced her and she melted into his arms. 本抱住她,她融化在了她的臂弯里。
- The ship melted into the darkness. 轮船逐渐隐没在黑暗中。
- It's difficult to break into the music industry. 要闯入音乐圈很难。
- She walked away and melted into the night. 她走开了,逐渐消失在黑夜里。
- They strolled into the garden as the music ceased. 音乐声一停,他们就走进花园。
- He was putting his heart and soul into the music. 他完全沉浸在音乐之中。
- She melted into tears when she heard my order to go away. 听到我让她离开的命令时,她失声痛哭。
- When we die, we melt into the sea. “当我们死的时候,便跟大海融为一体。
- She melted into tears. 她心酸而落泪。
- Swiftly, Keycase melted into the service stairway. 奇开匙迅速躲进职工专用楼梯。
- Listen to the music and go into the classroom. 听音入室。
- Greeted by his wife and the appetizing dishes she has prepared, Chang Ho-chuan's hard day melts into the clouds. 太太以丰盛的晚餐迎接,让在外奔波一天的张和全劳累尽失。
- It is difficult to tell where the blue melts into the green. 很难说蓝色是在什么地方变成绿色了。
- Hundreds of actors were melting into the scene. 许许多多演员融入了舞台。
- To melt into the dream of us......beyond this troubled place... 在我们的梦中被融化,离开这个迷乱的地方。。。